Offsite Comments

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Wed 2012 Jun 20

Wed 2012 Jun 20, 11:05pm
On Ace of Spades

Hey, hi, everybody. (Hey, wow, Hi, Hummingbird in the message before mine. All still great with y'all, I hope.)

Bye, everybody. I'm not really here 'cause tomorrow comes early. Not as early as today. But try telling the cats that.

Wed 2012 Jun 20, 11:02pm
On Ace of Spades

Obama is a stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure.

SOMEbody had to say it!

Wed 2012 Jun 20, 6:03pm
On PoliNation

[Pete posted Pink Elephants on Parade from Dumbo]

Chief among many cartoon sequences which have had me saying for decades, "Well, why did you think a generation turned to psychedelics?!?" :D

Wed 2012 Jun 20, 5:51pm
On PoliNation

"...didn’t KD have a theory about Parkinson’s or something?"


This post by KD from Jan/2011 provided an interesting clue:

"Back in 2004-2005, before he ran for president, when he’d just moved into the Obama/Rezko Mansion, a friend of mine had a meeting with Obama in his study — where piles of papers on Parkinson’s Disease were stacked. Books on Parkinson’s sat on his desk, with printed pages from websites scattered around. Obama is an intellectually incurious man who has never shown the slightest interest in any topic involving anything but himself. … Which is why all of that reading material on Parkinson’s is so strange. "

The reasoning here regarding O's ego seems good! :/

Wed 2012 Jun 20, 5:16pm
On PoliNation

"more charistmatic than John McCain" — Not do dis ol' John too much, but I was amazed you used charismatic and John McCain in the same sentence. This is almost damning with faint praise, you know. More charismatic than a pine 2x4. More charismatic than dried mud. Woo! :D

Tue 2012 Jun 19

Tue 2012 Jun 19, 9:46pm
On PoliNation

No, no, it's true about not enough time. Really. It's the same reason O couldn't make it to Wisconsin. Busy busy busy. Same reason the LaughingStock Media couldn't vet O before the last election... or now. There's just no time no time nottttiimmmmmee. See?

Mrs Ww was going to tell my mom today about this latest edit mess, but first asked if she knew about the Zimmerman edits. Mom's ninety-plus, but not a bit fuzzy. She follows the "news." TV. Subscribes to Time. Reads the city paper. All liberal media. No net. She's the perfect propaganda victim. Not that she'd ever vote anything but Republican. It's just scary to realize.

Tue 2012 Jun 19, 9:46pm
On PoliNation

No, no, it's true about not enough time. Really. It's the same reason O couldn't make it to Wisconsin. Busy busy busy. Same reason the LaughingStock Media couldn't vet O before the last election... or now. There's just no time no time nottttiimmmmmee. See?

Mrs Ww was going to tell my mom today about this latest edit mess, but first asked if she knew about the Zimmerman edits. Mom's ninety-plus, but not a bit fuzzy. She follows the "news." TV. Subscribes to Time. Reads the city paper. All liberal media. No net. She's the perfect propaganda victim. Not that she'd ever vote anything but Republican. It's just scary to realize.

Tue 2012 Jun 19, 9:31pm
On PoliNation

Thanks for this post. Not to minimize the dangers the author mentions, which do seem real threats, but I see some ameliorating factors.

(1) "... or as a referendum on African-American politicians in general."

Gotta say.. ummm... No. Obama, yes. Democrats, yes. Racist leftie caucuses and programs, yes. But only the looniest lefties (admittedly, a wide swath of folks) could possibly really still think this has anything to do with ethnicity, pigmentation. If it came down to it, 'most everybody I know would gladly swap the current _resident for Col. West. Last time I looked, West forgot to be Nordic. I wouldn't mind seeing how Condy Rice would've done and oh gasp she's even female. Even Gen. Powell, if that was our only other choice, could possibly have managed to not do as much damage.

(2) "cognitive dissonance" - Hard to tell from broad polls, but I think there's less of those with real cog. dis. than of those who just have shallow opinions instead than real principles. That's the big 1/3 of the electorate that seems to wear a different hat every four or eight years, for example. The great mushy middle. You have to have the cognitive to have the dissonance.

(3) Obama-ism most definitely fits all the definitions of a cult, from the beginning. But his forgettable fluffiness cannot stand the test of time as have the words and spirit of Dr King. If O is soundly trounced, and history paints him for the incompetent he is, as has already begun happening, then don't look for his homies, nor the yutes, nor the Democrats, nor anyone else to claim him.

I know of a small doomsday cult — typical story in so many aspects. Religious idealists seduced by a charismatic leader. They huddled in the Safe Place on the Fateful Night, only to wake up the next morning with the birds tweeting and the sun shining and civilization still standing. Fortunately, it was not a Jonestown or a Heaven's Gate. Just a bunch of people who woke up and, most of them, realized they'd been misled by a charming, self-absorbed psychotic. Who is still around, has a few groupies, last I heard, but is no threat any longer.

That should be Obama's fate. God willing.

[I don't know how it happens. I start writing a sentence and a whole bunch of words spew out. Must be 'cause I'm tired. Good night.]

Tue 2012 Jun 19, 4:58pm
On Arlo and Janis

Walked out the back door yestermorn, gazed around in the morning light, and a large doe and I startled each other. I made friendly noises and sat down on the sidewalk. She chuffed loudly and backed away a few feet. She was maybe thirty feet away or less. We're not exactly strangers. I sat cooing, she resumed grazing, eventually wandering away east. I went back inside, peeking out now and then until she was gone.

We've had up to seven in the yard at times like last winter. Lately, just this lonely doe.

I know they're great big furry disease-and-tick spreading vermin. Cute great big furry disease-and-tick spreading vermin, though!

Tue 2012 Jun 19, 11:20am
On PoliNation

Glenn Beck's opening on his Tuesday show was all about NBC's latest "Zimmerman editing" of Romney. It'll surely be on YouTube or something by now or soon, so I'll not go into it more here except to say it was about as bad as it gets, and points up how deliberate, and blatant, is their propaganda campaign!

Mon 2012 Jun 18

Mon 2012 Jun 18, 12:27pm
On PoliNation

I once asked a local lawyer about a blatant act of police fudging a report, noting this must happen a lot, and he just twitched and pulled at his eyebrow like that psychiatrist in Miracle on 34th Street (the original, of course). That's when I realized he'd compromised his soul long ago to work with the system.

It's long since been clear that these Old Newsies have gone far beyond mere liberal dementia and have actually sold their last remaining tattered shred of integrity. The coverup on F&F is tantamount to accessory to murder.

It's an old story. "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him."

Mon 2012 Jun 18, 11:47am
On PoliNation

The Rush quote? Priceless!

Your poster, excellent! Great picture of Bush (as Mrs Ww just remarked), and Obama bowing is perfect. The text about covers it, too, doesn’t it! Darn that Bush!

You know, this might just be perfect for a Obama 2012 campaign poster! The folks who brought us WTF and Forward and every other back-firing idea might not even realize it’s parody!

Fri 2012 Jun 15

Fri 2012 Jun 15, 6:14pm
On PoliNation

I would think losing Obamagirl would be another significant sign! The thrill is gone, baby. “Don’t you think he looks tired?”

Fri 2012 Jun 15, 12:15pm
On Wolfknight74

Tom Edison's hundreds of attempts at getting a working filament. Abe Lincoln losing races. Even Jesus, trying to bring the world a message through his widely-dispersed and theologically primed people, failed (due to the choices of others). Eventually, Tom found a good filament, Abe got elected, and others picked up the rejected cornerstone. Failure is relative.

This was well said: "tell our kids, when appropriate, that they failed. Not that they are failures." Not understanding this crucial difference may be one of the causes of the "everybody wins" self-esteem oriented mentality.

Fri 2012 Jun 15, 12:00pm
On Wolfknight74

"The speedometer, tachometer, and fuel gauge were at the center of the dashboard, rather than placed in front of the driver."

Our Nissan Quest has the displays in the center. Like this without the GPS display. Dealer says it was popular and even offered us good $ for a trade-in on ours! When we first got it, I thought it weird, after decades of driving with the displays in front of the driver. I quickly learned to appreciate it, though. Now we wonder how we'll ever go back to a car with the speedometer half-hidden behind the steering wheel again.

Other than that, no comparison to that Toyota, though. :D

(Hi. Got here after you linked from PoliNation. "Advertising" works!)

Fri 2012 Jun 15, 11:58am
On PoliNation

“..happen to know why Farscape DVDs are so expensive?”

Don’t buy DVDs, so wouldn’t know. But of course that won’t stop me from making a guess: If The Market is at work, I expect that demand may have something to do with the pricing, what with Farscape being so good and so popular. :)

I’ve always thought that CDs and, later, DVDs, manufactured for pennies each (yes, I know that’s the least of their costs, but still..!), were exorbitant if they cost more than 99¢. Or maybe 50¢? I was just reading yesterday about how the comic book industry, in the old days of 10-15¢ per issue, was all high volume, low profit per unit. If CDs and DVDs had been priced with high volume in mind, the incentive for piracy would have been enormously reduced. (Witness how successful the iTunes jukebox idea was!) Degree of “black” market is always inversely proportional to the cost & risk factors of the taboo, prohibition, tax, or other restriction. This is your Milton Freidman moment for the day.

Fri 2012 Jun 15, 11:44am
On PoliNation

"...people who stepped out to shake hands and thank individual Veterans... felt like they were representing me too." Truly, Chrissy, truly! Well said.

Interesting reactions when you thank a vet. Sometimes, they're a little embarrassed, sometimes just appreciative. But when you express thanks and the vet looks at you like no one has ever done that before, that's a real mixed-emotions moment. I get that reaction less nowadays than I used to.

Wed 2012 Jun 13

Wed 2012 Jun 13, 10:22pm
On PoliNation
chrissythehyphenated explained that Joy Behar's comment that she'd like to see Romney's house burn down and he could call the Mormon fire department as "They were claiming Romney thinks it is a good idea to save money by not having enough firefighters."

Oh. Thanks for that interpretation.

Dumber than I would've thought. If I'd thought about it.

My Liberalspeak translator microbes are so weakened from such extensive overuse this season that sometimes I don't even try to figure these things out.

Wed 2012 Jun 13, 1:57pm
On Weird Universe

Oboy! We can has theological debates on Weird Univerts! Whatz nxt? Polyticks?

db_denver: "Is there a religion on this planet that really understands that equality of the genders is completely necessary? The world will never succeed until all religions recognize the equality of women and men." Sure, there are religious teachings that so hold. Old-time major religions... eeenhhh, not so much, yeah. "Religions" are innately conservative because principles believed to be based on perceived truth will only change when that truth is elevated. Individuals lead in matters of faith. You, me, anyone who believes as you've said, we're of the same "religion," kindred spirits on that tenet, at least, right?

And Cindy, you heatheren! Let me set you on the way of salivation!

Jesus is too, is too coming back! 'Cause he said he would! Just, on his own schedule, not Rev Billy Bob's. He's probably already been back, maybe often, on the sly, just to mess with people's heads. He also said, when he wants to go public, everybody'll get the tweet. So, no biggie.

There is too, is too, a Heaven. It's all heaven. I googled it and came up with proof!. Here and now is what you get today; a next life wouldn't be any different in that regard. So happens it's a magnificent Heaven, even here in the depths of one of those back alleys that's been unusually damaged and scarred. Behold the wise plan of the Almighty Creators: If our local scene weren't so uniquely, interestingly scarred and twisted, there would be no Weird Universe website, nor the WUvians we know and love! Amen!

"And there sure as heck aren't living sex dolls waiting for you in the afterlife once you've blown yourself to smithereens in the hopes of offing a few followers of a competing deity." Thank you, Cindy, for your insightful defense of truth, beauty, and goodness, the attributes of Deity in time and space. This truth ought to be be Kindergarten Humanity, much less Theology 100. I have it on Supreme Authority that the company in the afterlife is excellent, however.

[Note to the dim: all in fun. Any stepped-on toes, sorry. Stick 'em up to the screen were I can kiss them.]

Wed 2012 Jun 13, 1:23pm
On PoliNation
Replying to Pistol Pete's post, BAM SUCKS UP TO THE JOOZ

At the 2003 annual banquet of the Arab American Action Network, in a toast to Chicago professor and PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi, he described Israel's actions as "genocide against the Palestinian people." (Supposedly on the tape withheld by the LA Times.)

I'm so glad he's evolved so far in his appreciation of Israel.
