A Shmutz is a Puck?

@Stan: Well! I’ve always known it as a put-down, but I wasn’t aware schmuck = putz, though. (Right?) I’m not Jewish, but I’ve always appreciated the Yiddish contributions to the vocabulary! :)

Wikipedia says that “In Jewish homes, the word was ‘regarded as so vulgar as to be taboo’[3] and Lenny Bruce wrote that saying it on stage got him arrested on the West Coast ‘by a Yiddish undercover agent who had been placed in the club several nights running to determine if my use of Yiddish terms was a cover for profanity.’”

I note that Urban dictionary definition #1 says it’s “[t]hat portion of one’s penis which is cut off during circumcision.” But that’s just U.D. Def#3 = penis.

Altogether, maybe we should just stick to weiner. Intentional misspelling. [Apologies to all good people with that name.] :D