About the Nancy and Bob Strait attack

About the Nancy and Bob Strait attack: I haven't seen this in print, but the morning after they arrested the accused, I heard a fellow on the radio (officer?) describing the accused as expressing zero remorse. Nothing. The horror in the fellow's voice was clear.

As if the gruesomeness of the crime didn't tell you all you need to know about the attacker. She was raped and murdered! The horror for both of these sweet people is beyond unimaginable. All their loving descendents will have to live with that monstrosity's work all their days.

With Martin & Zimmerman, circumstances are murky at best, and investigations deserve to proceed without agitators and hot-heads. In Tulsa was committed a crime so foul, so heinous, and none of that outcry (of course). Truly one wishes for the days of swift and sure justice, to be sure the perp (if guilty) will never harm anyone again, and perhaps to send a message to even those dim-wits he might inspire.
