Alls I Knows 'Bout This Sad Puppy Stuff

Alls I knows 'bout this Sad Puppy stuff is what I've gathered in passing on this blog. So unfamiliar with it, I've had to be refreshed each time whether the Sad Puppies are the SJWs or the other. (I think I've got it down now, though.)

But, reading the quote in the post, my thought was like this:

angela urkel: The censors accusing the opposition of censorship.

Projection by the tyrants, as usual. I presume the one side is not "calling for the end of social justice in science fiction and fantasy" - not calling for suppression of anything else - except insofar as "social justice" means calling for an end to anything they don't like. I mean, one side wants liberty and the other wants to stifle it.

* re-reads the above*

Writing words doesn't seem to be working too well for me today. Maybe I've had too much coffee?