Always Pointed Toward God

FenelonSpoke: ...I am firmly and unapologetically a Christian, but I do think there is something of the holy that unites people of great faith and love and prayer across traditions....

Don't have much truck with most gurus. Charlatans and prestidigitators and self-aggrandizers, as a rule - not much different than too many "Christian" preachers in that regard, I suppose. (heh)

But I've a special fondness for Ram Dass's guru, what I've read of him. He was stern but funny, quirky, and as in the story I related, he emphasized love, and family, and always pointed toward God.

Moreover, as it says elsewhere in Miracle of Love...

"Maharajji's love of Christ was unearthly....

You never knew what a devotee's statement would evoke. A boy came one time and asked, "Maharajji, did Jesus really get angry?"

As soon as Maharajji heard the word 'Jesus,' tears came to his eyes....
