Banhammering Deletes Comments

Banhammering deletes comments. Deleting comments shifts subsequent comment numbers. Referencing earlier comments by number is therefore potentially ineffective and even confusing.

Referencing comments by quoting back the entire "Posted by" line is effective, but a bit more tedious to search out the referenced comment.

You CAN use the perma-link, but you can't just click it to find what comment it goes to. You have to add ":1080" manually to the perma-link in the address bar for it to work these days. If you add the :1080 to the link in your comment, though, it works... until the port problem is fixed, after which the link will not. In any case, none of these links is natively live.

I read somewhere once that SOME day, technology will advance to where blog comments could have a live link! Or, even, you know, threading! (Optionally switchable, please. I *like* the unthreaded format.) Won't that be keen!

Hat tip to whoever wielded Mjolner today.
