Clean Energy That Kills

Massacre of the birds in the quest for clean energy

• Some experts put bird incinerations at the 300,000-mirror California solar array at nearly 30,000 per year
• The $2.2 billion plant is the world’s largest and company BrightSource wants to build one even larger
• The proposed new 75-story plant would be located near the massive bird sanctuary of the Salton Sea
• Authorities call the smoke trails left by scorched birds ‘streamers’

“Clean” energy. Yup, positively Edenic. Also, googlesearch: windmill+noise+dangerous.

We have both windfarms and eagle sanctuaries in too close proximity around here. Such insanity. AmerIndians of tribes that want eagle feathers for ceremonial reasons would commit a federal felony to even touch a fallen eagle pinfeather. But windfarms can julienne them.

A modern nuclear power plant could be the best, cleanest, most reliable, stable, effective, and safe power generation. And environmentally beneficial. I have read (was it here?) about how the security zones around nuke plants have become excellently flourishing wildlife preserves (compared to areas intended as such)?

I do have a few qualms about nuclear energy.

The mountain, already prepared and waiting AFAIK, where the Enviros won’t allow to the waste to go.

Also, that guy I used to know who talked about how down in the great big pipes of the nuclear plant which he was helping to weld together was a great place to smoke pot. Maybe he was one of those minority of folks who gets more focused instead of loopy-stoned on weed… nawww, he wasn’t. 8O
