Cognitive Dissonance That Characterizes the Regressives Alliance

"Canadian jihadi's parents are a Muslim and a radical feminist."

Could there be a better example of the extreme cognitive dissonance that characterizes the Regressives alliance? Feminists who critisize followers of the great liberator Christ but cry for multiculti understanding for people who mutilate women and store them in bags. Gays who feel threatened by gentle bakers and photographers and ministers who only want the right to say "no," but not a word about those who hang gays on high in public. The vast cult of atheism which has no problem with the vast cult of jihadism. It's not like the Axis, allies of convenience who would betray each other as soon as necessary. No, the jihadi and the feminist are in bed together. Hillary and Huma.

I simply cannot wrap my mind around the enormous dissociative gymnastics such twisted souls must go through to arrive at their confusions.

(Did I type long enough there's a new thread?)