Disney Dastardliness

"Save us, MisHum, you're our only hope!"


(If I avoid the barrel on that one I should get a reward. Like, a slice of fruit cake.)

I clicked on the Dirty Disney link, only to find actual Disney dastardliness barely mentioned, although I admit I skimmed it pretty fast.

Speaking of, there was a girl-girl smooch on Supergirl this past week. All I can say is, at least it wasn't guys. (Yes, I am a guy who's prejudiced.) And, at least it wasn't the Supergirl herself - she's plainly into a guy. But the whole "nothing wrong with it" homo thing, which is surely peaking, is still strong in Massed Mediuh. But, it involved S'girl's "sister" Alex, which just goes to show you what can happen when you name a girl with a guy name. (Looks around warily at local Alexes....)

Relatedly, Mark Dice interviews Les Modernes about how "okay" is incest. *siiigh*

I'd rant about the runaround we got from our cable company, but I've already written too long a howdy comment, and have to go drive home now anyway.

C U L8R. Or more correctly, C U'all L8R.