Does not hold my interest

"Reposted Hollywood stories for anybody boycotting Gabe's thread..."

I admit, today, I read down to "To be honest, I don't think either the GOP or conservatives are capable of learning from past mistakes," and quit. His writing does not hold my interest. Sometimes it violently defenestrates my interest.

I can skip that easily, but the mocking responses to the post in comments tend to be harder to bypass. Not enjoyable. Speed bumps in the morning's gruel. But, boycott? But, but, Vic! But, but, MP4 Hollyweirdness! And, and, most importantly, it's there with all my favorite morons when I get up and this thread isn't!

We didn't watch Howdy Doody because we liked it. We watched because there was nothing else on. Well, also, the Indian Princess.
