Ease of hacking (HillBuzz)

Thanks for the link. Iowahawk does great parody. Alas... well, here's (slightly re-written) what I just commented at that site:

Without being a Facebook, Twitter, or y.frog user myself, but a long-time techie, I have to concur with a commenter on Iowahawk that some of the tech questions seem misunderstood and Weiner could be right. (I have not made an in-depth investigation of the details.)

There is no trick to "regaining" control of your accounts if the password was hacked but not changed, for example. Also, if like many idiots he uses the same password on various accounts, you only need find out one. If it's a low-power password, all the easier. And if you're using your cell to access those accounts, as the other commenter said, you might only have to hack that cell.

Not making a case for or against Weiner's being hacked or careless. While Occam's Razor may cut toward careless, it's not that fine a line toward hacked, either. Just depends on which way Weiner was stupid. :)

Meanwhile, back at the economy, endless wars, and undermining of Israel&hellip.