Eeyoring at Red State

Bah! This is eeyoring, really. "He can, in fact, still win." "The public… perceive him unwilling or unable to fight for victory." "He needs to hone his message. He needs to focus on the failings of this administration. But there is time and he can win." What's the basis of all these statements? Oh, worrah, worrah, worrah! We're going to lose if Romney doesn't this, that, or t'other.

What is Erick Erickson looking at? The polls which, as Chrissy illustrates so well, are full-out Dem machine propaganda? Surely not the 18,000 ghosts crammed into Obama's 5000-seat arena versus the thousands upon thousands cheering all the Romney and Ryan appearances? The ground reports on HillBuzz comport with the random reports I've seen posted from folks on Ace of Spades. Maybe I just spend too much time inside the echo chamber and don't have a grasp on the real "public perception," but I smell landslide of Reaganesque proportions.

My concerns lie outside the popularity contest. Election stealing, last-minute sweeping Executive Orders, the Homeland Security military brought into play under martial law. That tired old wreck and her worse-off husband may be ready to retire to Hawaii, yet the tyrant and his ilk won't leave without a fight. We'll look back nostalgically for the simpler days when the departing Clintonites took all the W's off the White House keyboards. And, as I recall, a good deal of the furniture.