Ended Up Going Steady

Say, folks...

About fifteen seconds after the "we're in looovvve" chemistry wore off, my son and his wife realized what 'most other folks knew from the start, that they really weren't meant for each other, and decided on amicable divorce. Sad, anyway, but better than after they'd had kids.

Son decided he'd date around a while, not get serious again too soon. So, naturally, he and a girl he knew from a previous job dated and hit it off really well, and ended up going steady. Unexpectedly.

Tomorrow, son is driving into town and, at my daughter's house, we will be having lunch with son and Meet the Girlfriend - and her us. (Other son will be working and miss the event, alas.) So, a true relationship test.

I've only seen pix (I approve) and heard a little about her, but my astute and nearly infallible judgment of people and couple-compatibility has not set off any alarms yet. So far so good.

Milady is in the kitchen, singing and preparing to bake cookies and cranberry-apple coffee cake. So, if nothing else, that'll be good.
