Greatest Time-Travel Trilogy Ever Filmed

I just popped in to say, thirty years ago today, Back to the Future premiered. I never saw it in theaters. I discovered it later, before parts 2 & 3.

Tonight, Milady and I are again watching the original part of the greatest time-travel trilogy ever filmed. 'Merica! Elements of Style, Strunk says, let every word tell. This movie wastes no time.

We're up to where Marty has predicted Goldie Wilson will become mayor.

Zemekis (IIRC) said he would never allow a remake in his lifetime and hoped his heirs continued that. Amen!

Remake? Impossible. It would be like trying to re-make Ghostbusters! BttF1-3 is not without warts, but it is as close to perfection as possible in the day. It is truly Classic. Yes, even unto Part 3. First Jennifer was better, though, bit part though she was.

Oh, Milady has finished making us sandwiches tacos! Back to Back to the Future!