Hey, wait, there's two morning threads?

Hey, wait, there's two morning threads? Where are we s'posed t'be?

I think I'll head for town and the Bigboy Computer with the Fat Pipeline. I have a new video smacking both NBC and the SCOAMF around a little bit, but I didn't want to post snark on the 4th. I may do no good with my little, unseen* propaganda pieces, but... it keeps me outta the bars.

* Sometimes things click. Moonbattery (mostly), and a few other sites, embedded the Hillary's Turn vid and last I checked, it had almost 700 views - virtually hyperviral for one of my webworks. That was just a simple collage of slideshow, text, and music, none of it original. The presentation is mine, but what drives it is Hillary's words, "My turn. I deserve it," which not only reveal her easy flappability in the simplest unrehearsed interview, and so blatantly parades her entitled mentality, but shows painfully that she's slipping mentally enough to have actually said that. Yeah, let's have her shaky hand on the rudder!