How we got a military-free 57 States of Unexceptionalism

How we got a military-free 57 States of Unexceptionalism:

Following several incidents on military bases in his Second Term, President-for-Life Hussein (PBUH) issued the executive order to destory all stocks of dangerous military weaponry. For safer soldiers! (There is no truth to the claim they were given to our closest allies, Al Quida.) Confiscation of all private weaponry followed immediately.

Secondly, all military training with weaponry was replaced with gay and Islam sensitivity education. (Increasing bipolarity and suicide in the military was utterly unrelated, a lie propounded by Underground Tea Party rumormongers.) see also: Inclusiveness Induction Camps Simultaneously, the National Thought Criminal Registry was instituted.

Finally, the various branches of the military were disbanded, no longer needed, when all Residents were inducted for life into the Peace and Progressive Prosperity Corpse, merging the former departments of Homeland Security and Education. Hail Hussein!

Class will now recess for cocaine and arugula.