I regret to announce I will not be making an appearance

I regret to announce I will not be making an appearance on the ONT this evening, as I am extemporaneously in capacitors. My virtual avatar will be appearing ever and anon, but only if you have the super-platinum subscription with the 4D glasses.

Howsomever, I am here among you in spirit, oh, Night of Over Thread People, whether that spooks you or not, and I am in spirit certainly not fizzling out after a few hundred years. Yet. Probably crowd-surfing, in spirit. Hurts less when they drop you.

And, on this noble anniversary of the Hindenberg roast, the day when the Future of Skies Filled with Dirigibles was Schroedinger's Kitteh'd out of possibility, may I say, in special honor of the Moron Horde,

Oh, the camraderie!


Good night, Gracies.
