'Japanese Schindler

Morning, Glories!

I've read up to Poppin's H'wood tale, but before I refresh my coffee and read of our moral superiors in theatre... and comments beyond...

I just finished reading this article, linked to on the ONT by GnuBreed. It case it hasn't been mentioned:

«Another Holocaust remembrance story, about the 'Japanese Schindler' via Tammy Bruce:
http://tinyurl.com/luzg58w »

I never knew about this.

As always, the scale defies belief. And every death was one individual just like this one who lived:
«The woman bent down, and kissed the hem of my mother's dress. "You saved us," she said.»

And yet...

«My mother looked at me with a terrible sadness that I will always remember. If she had really believed the man, she said, she could have sold her wedding ring, to save others.»

I think the most telling line must be this all too frequent view:

«Everyone was shocked. Surely, this man was exaggerating. Maybe even crazy. Germany — the most cultured of countries — How could this be?»

So, at least, it could never happen here....
