Logprof: Heh! October 17, 2012 12:20 AM:

Logprof: Heh! October 17, 2012 12:20 AM: "Please don't take it personally, but your site kinda sucks." I went on a rant of thanks about it the next day you might've missed; a pan from a moron = better than praise by others! (When I showed your comment to my daughter, she agreed, "yeah, your animated rainbow logo [since replaced] does look kinda Geocities.")

Humbling to see that a dozen folks hit that link I posted in just a couple minutes. Many times my usual daily hit rate, right there. (Should I apologize? Can't say you weren't warned!)


Oklahoma had the painted lines and the planes for speed checks decades ago. Don't know about now, but nowadays, I hardly ever even see a HiPo anymore.
