Looking at the 1970S
Always funny to read folks looking at the 1970s.
I graduated HS in 1970. So, the '70s were my coming of age, m/l. The first few years I was trying to figure out why I was in a liberal arts college, and where went all that excitement that was happening at colleges on TV in the '60s. Finally figured out college was killing me, and left before graduation. Unlike Gov. Walker, I didn't have a good job calling me away, though.
Then there was that most pleasant and memorable couple of quiet years, when Milady came to visit and we ended up staying together, getting to know each other.
Then for the latter half of the '70s, I went nuts. I tried to go into business, and ended up with an excellent education in what not to do. Lost good friends. Ended the decade under a half-million dollar lawsuit. (Which I "won," finally, in 1980, by losing but to a much smaller amount.)
Still, I feel like I missed the '70s in a lot of ways because I was either studying, working, or trying to do business, when I was supposed to be at the disco and doing cocaine.
Hm. The year I graduated from college was closer by two decades to the end of WW2 than it is to today. Pass the geritol.