Michelle Obama is a Transvestite?

Well, isn't this a post full of.. what are they called... words?

The KITTEH (not that ghey when you shout it, see?) pic was an amazing demonstration of why animals' camouflage works; that which you can't imagine in a zoo. "How could they not see him coming? He's all spotty!"


Once again, I'm not sure how the stats work, but I see I'm not in them, so I'd like to thank my agent, my publicist, and my highly variable IP address at home. [[blows kisses, weeps like a Speaker of the House]] *snjff*


Two videos for your ... enlightenment.

First, I found this after getting lost in the darker realms of yootoob:
Grounds for Impeachment- Michelle Obama Is A Transvestite! http://youtu.be/JArEsg4tErA

I don't know why the guy thinks this has anything to do with impeachment. And I don't know anyone who would want to actually, you know, check for sure. (He suggests Boener do it, I think.) But, you know, the guy is whack, but... have you seen how she walks?

Second, something I tried to do timely for the movie's release but didn't get done until now. Oh, well.
Noah II
Since Noah, there was no one could lower the oceans. Until...
or click the nick


And I'll hang around as long as you will let me.
I never minded standing in the rain.
