more of a moron than usual

Good morning, Revolutionaries, what's left of it.

Left of the morning, I mean, not the Revolution.

I recently mentioned my patrioticalish doodle series including, starting today, at least some of the Bill of Rights ( I think I confused the order of the 3rd and 4th Amendments and if anybody read my comment, I probably looked like more of a moron than usual.

My point was, I had been going to skip the 3rd because there didn't seem much to illustrate. Just in time, this story breaks about the police demanding use of a house in Nevada. So I moved the 4thA to Monday, 'cause now I have a hook on illustrating the 3rd. Alas.

Tapping the horde legal-Constitutional mind re 1st Amendment: Since it seems the Federals who caused charges to be brought, I used G Zimmerman as illustration for redress of grievance. Too much of a stretch, y'think?
