OCD -Often Cloddish Disorder.

Old Dog: OCD -Often Cloddish Disorder.

Have recently adjusted my meds. Does it show? I may have to give up the Columbian and go back to the less potent Mexican.

Coffee. What were you thinking of?


The entrance exam for joining the AoSHQ is not exactly Mensa level: if you can find your way past the Pixy guardians and don't get banhammered after that, you're in. Even semi-trolls who will not here be named but who hang around, apparently, for the abuse. So, low bar, tehnically.

But there's technically & there's community.

I've been here many moons now, lurking and twerking, presumably implicitly accepted to a degree even my rampaging self-abnegating paranoia can't ignore. Still I often feel like a newbie, or fringe lurker, no matter how many local memes I can parrot.

Then this morning I read that, last night, after my sign-off comment, well-cut weft bid me a "good night, fellow moron." I think that's the first time I was thus identified. Funny how it coincided with getting a little dust in my eye. Almost as if this silly place has come to mean something to me.

We all have our disorders.
