Ready to take up arms if needed...
(Drudge headlines)

Drudge sensationalism, 'natch, but intriguing. And the people are very serious. The heat is on. Bundy is a real heads-up. Cattle-killing, ranch-confiscating federales are as welcome here as revenooers in the Kentuck hills.

How the Oklahoma state government is going to deal with the Feds in coming years - and with home-grown Contitutionalists - should prove veddy veddy int'resting. The state is conservative, but statehouses get riddled with Statists, and OKC is no exception. Besides the general lame RINOcity of the age, the dumbed-down electorate.

Our "most conservative speaker ever" of the Okla. house is running for Coburn's Senate seat. The racist Republican (but I stutter) has the nerve to be not one but two protected ethnicities, so he's an Oreo and a ... what's the AmerIndian equivalent? Apple?

Our other Senator was on Levin recently taking about requiring essentially congressional line-item approval on the runaway executive regulations. Although I've heard not another word about it since, that would cut the Leviathan's feeding tube.

North of OK: Kansas, home of Sebelius and Westboro. East of us: home of Clinton and Huckabee. West of us: New Mexico liberalism with scattered conservative pockets. Touching the panhandle: Colorado, 'nuff said. Touching us to the East, Missouri, much like N.M. Our closest ally-neighbor, Texas, is being attacked from the South, and from within by its cities, and of course by the Federal Enemy.

Only one state has every county voting Republican Blue in every Presidential contest for many years.

Starting to feel a bit isolated... surrounded.... in this war....