Overly complex and burdensome systems

Instead of secession, How about all the sane states get together and eject the insane ones? " Or words to that effect. Posted by: D-Lamp

More evidence of the impending crash of our complex civilization. http://tinyurl.com/mjswyfv Posted by: NaCly Dog [Wikipedia]

It is often assumed that the collapse of the western Roman Empire was a catastrophe for everyone involved. Tainter points out that it can be seen as a very rational preference of individuals at the time, many of whom were actually better off. Archeological evidence from human bones indicates that average nutrition actually improved after the collapse in many parts of the former Roman Empire. Average individuals may have benefited because they no longer had to invest in the burdensome complexity of empire. Tainter notes that in the west, local populations in many cases greeted the barbarians as liberators.

[My emphases added.]

Overly complex and burdensome systems must expire, but systems of appropriate self-government are ready to replace them, where adherents of such systems predominate.

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