Pepsi - the fact check
238 "This tops that. Pepsi (and who knows who else) has long used a "flavor enhancer" ultimately derived from aborted fetal tissue. No lie, they admitted it."
Posted by: The more you know
At the grocer yesterday, I contemplated buying some Mexican Pepsi for my son...
Can we get a fact check on thisk Because... urk!
Posted by: mindful webworker - just another day at January 01, 2014 11:13 AM (MBZW0)
It's not true. A company Pepsi hired to do taste research uses HEK 293 stem cells to test the reaction of human taste buds to certain flavors. Note: the additives are being tested on HEK 293 cells, not the HEK cells being added to product. Now, HEK cells were origionally developed from the kidney of a murdered child-40 years ago. They are very common in all types of biomedical research, but these cells are thousands of generations removed from actual fetal tissue, nor does their use create a market for fetal tissue. I'm more virulently pro-life than most, but this outrage is a bridge a bit far for me.