Pete's Posts and Some Links

Another winning collection, Pete. Always glad to see more pix of Tyler. (Really like that last picture.) Not so glad to see that boy in the first picture, or the MO and Hill pix!

Levi Johnston - Did not remember who this was. Until I got down a ways in the article, I was wondering, is this a celebrity or is this just a story about a pathetic loser? Both, as it turns out.

That sweater sure is ugly. And that basketball player sure is tall!

We're getting our first real Spring thunderstorms today. Glad it's in the 70s. This time of year, this could just as easily be ice. Anyway, we've had one brief wave, a pretty good gullywasher, with another heading our way. Possibly tornadoes, but more toward OKC than up our way. We can use the precipitation. We're not as drought-stricken here as further west, but it's been pretty dry. Lots of grassfires.

Drought, deluge, fire, lightning and thunder, whirlwinds, and wild temperature swings. Just another Spring day in the Land of the Red Man.

Here's a few links from the heap o' links for today.

Why Obama Hasn’t Been Helping Nigeria Fight Boko Haram by Nice Deb

Exhuming Pearl Harbor Dead? by William Cole,

Unforeseen problems with legalized marijuana market? Whooda thunkit? by Poncie Rutsch (seriously?), NPR
