Regressive Media Techniques

Hollylooloo! It's Judgm... Oh. Not The Judgment Day...

Over on Ace of Spades blog this morning, Vic (Pistol Pete's separated-at-birth brother) posted about the Vet fired from Cracker Barrel. Like Pete, Vic sided with the Vet. I'd already read about it from here, and posted this comment:

Vet working as greeter gives stuff away at his job.

Gets told not to.

Does it again.

Gets told not to.

Does it again.

Gets fired.


Regardless of whether CB was petty, Vet knew he was pushing the rules or he was mentally off. Either way, sorry, apply to be a Wal-Mart greeter... where they still won't let you give stuff away.

I sympathize fully with what the seemingly kind-hearted Vet was doing, and maybe CB could've supported him, played it as positive promo, without having a string of bums lining up for freebies, but if mgmt didn't like it, he should have paid for what he was handing out, or quit, not keep forcing them to do what he wanted.

Unless I miss something in the story.

Note especially, wise businessfolk have to be aware that one innocent handout can end up with a line of bums putting notches on your garden gate. ("Do your good deeds in secret" is more than just humility, it's good business.)

Others also suggested to Vic that the employee was in the wrong (someone said he was actually on his fifth violation), and Vic re-read the article and reversed his earlier opinion. Which led to me write this:

Vic revises > He deserved to get fired.

Now, folks, when was the last time you saw anyone in the LaughingStock Media re-investigate a story and self-correct in this manner, rather than double down on error because of pride or prejudice?

You have to see it was propaganda intended to portray Big Mean Conservatively-perceived Corp cruelly firing Kindly Old Vet for giving Homeless Person a pack of ketchup. Looks bad for Righties any way you play it, is the spin. Simultaneously agitated the base of anti-conservative jackals.

If Vic fell for it, how many others, with far less wit or wisdom, are permanently influenced, or had their notions reinforced, by such twisted portrayals?

And this is just one tiny example of the Regressives' Playbook.

That ended up being a long comment. Suppose it should have been attached to the earlier post. I'm just lazy or something.