Self Flagellation is Okay

..."Not that I have anything worth contributing.
"Posted by: mindful webworker, all new, all different at May 17, 2016 01:34 AM (lFi5f)"

Self flagellation is okay.
...Unless it makes others uncomfortable.

*Runs for Safe Space*

Just Kidding!

Your contributions, (while benign and often sweeter than I'd like to acknowledge), are quite appreciated by those who lurk and those who don't.

My flashy idiocy is simply due to learned friends and family that took "flesh from my hide" when I was a stupid kid.

I took it onstage and became cocky, yet humbled. ...often.

--I am a simpleton that has come to Jesus because my jail time was getting longer and longer. I could only act superior and punch people for so long until my luck and teeth ran out.

I am naturally cocky, without cause. People like you are bringers of faith, hope, light, hope and pardon. ...where my weakness lies.

I often hope that my quick and sincere apologies for daft and reactionary soliloquies can make amends their reactionary nature. --My nature.

I try to say what I mean and mean what I say, but like some "comedians", (which I am not, professionally), I stretch things into a silly-taffy of untruth. --Lies.

I stay away from threads where my words cannot express the hope for someone's experience, much like Publius in the earlier thread.

I had no words, but I prayed. I had no common experience but perhaps I should have said something. ...Anything that might assuage someone from despair through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

As God is my Witness, I avoid threads when I am not feeling The Spirit.

I simply cannot type what I am not feeling at the moment, as it comes to God. I am preoccupied with life's minutia and I cannot bring myself to inspire anyone else.

It is at these times that I need inspiration the most. I am most guilty of being selfish when I cannot bring myself to type a few words of inspiration for the buoying of another soul.

I have asked Our Lord to find the salvation and grace, through friends and Family, for Publius.

I was on my knees thanking Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for such grace and love.

--But I was pissed-off at a lawnmower.

I read his posts and I just couldn't respond. For those of you who think I'm some sort of clergy... *HAH!*

I'm just another guy with a keyboard.

I don't strive to find God's will often enough. I used to pray nightly, but I've fallen out of favor with Our Lord.

Pray for me, because I am losing Faith slowly.
