Gotta go. Whew. Havent' read thru an ONT in a while. I may lurk mostly, but I miss the place when I'm not here.. and, uh, am not missed because I lurk therefore I'm not... uh...

SPIDER BITES? Okay, all the brains who KNOW homeopathy is bogus, Adolf says, leave the room, I know all the arguments. [Waits while they file out.] Ledum. I won't swear by all homeopathics, but again and again we've seen gaping flesh holes, presumably brown recluse bites (!!!), close up and go away, on people AND animals, with Ledum. No guarantees. YMMV n all that. Okay, I'm done, tell the Doubters they can come back in now, but tell them we were just looking at kittens n boobehs.

See yez later aggregators....
