Tangled Webs

Tangled Webs

What's wrong with more open non-citizen worker policies has a lot to do with matters like welfare and minimum wage and withholdings and unions and... If the dogpile of tyrannies were gone, there's not (so much) a system to exploit. A simplistic statement of a complex tangle of bad laws regarding citizenship and employment.

Bad laws cause more bad laws and then become self-referencing arguments for keeping the bad laws. Drug prohibitions lead to property confiscations and privacy violations, even when no drugs are involved, for another simple example.

And so with my subject here, Marriage and Family Life.

What difference does it make to The Government who is married to whom, etc.? Well, tax laws which favor or disfavor being married must define marriage. And, welfare which takes into account the family status must define family. Or re-define it, depending how the political winds blow. (Trying to keep this relatively succinct, more long comment than blog post, but that's the gist.)

Under limited government, there will still be a need for some sort of family arbitration, "because of the hardness of your hearts." But, just as people may make contracts privately and then turn to judges when disputes arise, so would failed-family disputes over property and custody fall to an impartial arbitrar which has no interest in how you got into that mess in the first place.

It is not the courts and Congress, after all, who should be "ruling" in matters of matrimony; not the regulators and bureaucracies who should define family. It is the moral and spiritual community, extended family and tribe if you will, which should be guiding young people into good relationships, discouraging aberrant behaviors, and sustaining them throughout their marriages. This is the true familial community, which the "takes-a-village" Communist would have replaced by tyranny.

There are good, strong families who create more generations of good families, not without problems, but with just that kind of spiritual unity which helps them deal with problems and resolve them well. The ones I know of all are dedicated to being part of the greater family headed up by Our Father.

(Wrap this up, guy.) Okay, no magic formula for achieving this. No tricks to eliminating the current clusterfluke of intertangled tyrannies. Just the same old same old: take this gospel, live it, let your light shine, tell the world, bearing in mind many will hate you and persecute you.

(tl;dr Post? Don't post? Post? Don't post?)