The Racism Everyone Pretends Doesn't Exist
Zilla, great post on The Racism Everyone Pretends Doesn't Exist. I have a relative just moved back to Tulsa from Chicago. I mentioned the flash-gangs. He shrugged it off as being "blown out of proportion." May take a while for him to de-tox from The People's Republic of Chicago. Or maybe not. He'll be hanging out in young liberal ghettos, I expect. Folks like these. Chicago is my 2nd home, my wife's home town, all my kids were born & spent their early years there. Good in-laws still there. We lived near Foster Beach, and you could meet every nationality and hear every language just walking out the door. I loved it. Had to leave before the kids got to be teenagers, though, and I wouldn't move back for all the world. Most racist city in the country.