They Just Stopped Serving Booze

cthulhu: ...Tried to leave $1.10 for a 99-cent purchase and get out......20 minutes later, with multiple levels of management.....

Decades ago, at a restaurant-bar, the bar computer-cash register went down. I might've had a few of their frozen margaritas already - which beverage was why most people were there. They just stopped serving booze. As time dragged on, I tried to encourage the bar manager - a strict business school type, I gathered - to just do cash business, and enter the transactions FTR when the computer came back on. Nearly got myself kicked out of the bar.

Meh, I only ran my own businesses, but never went to school - what did I know?

And on that sour note, I am about to head undercovers.

Good night, Gracies!
