Thirty-One Years Later

cthulhu, I saw that, last night after I checked out, you asked about how our boys turned out.

Thirty-one years later, they live, which is an important thing. Gainfully employed, also handy. They're fraternal twins, so they're different as can be, although all our kids share a sharp and ready wit - don't know where they got that.

One has been married, but recently divorced. Alas, none of the three offspring has found the right mate and given us a grandchild. (Well, one miscarriage, buried out by the AmerIndian graveyard.) Would like to live to see grandkids grow up, especially for Milady's sake. Not much else for me to live for but to spoil the grandkids.

But --- none of our kids are felons, and all not only can vote, but vote rightly. So they tell us.