Unequal Sexes

…“gender pay inequality” in Hollywood…

Hahaha. This is even less economically aware than the WNBA player the other day, complaining about the gals not making as much as the guys in the NBA. That's right, sweetheart, and no amount of liberal-think will change what sports fans want to watch - and it's not WNBA.

Sexism is real. It's built into nature. We're so far from equal, it's like the two sexes are alien races sharing the planet - alien races who could not reproduce without each other, and then you see how sexist nature really is, as woman bears the brunt of pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, and, most likely, the majority of diapering. ;)

I'm pretty happy with the arrangement, and after more than four decades together, Milady also seems satisfied with our separate roles and rigors. But I might be fooling myself, 'cause, again, I'm a guy.
