Used to Have Antenna, Cable, And Satellite

Pardon me for commenting after only having read the first few paragraphs of your latest grand opus, boss.

Used to have antenna, cable, and satellite. Got rid of them all along with the cathode teevees. Years ago. Just about the only LaughingStockMedia I catch is clips posted by or linked to at the websites I visit.

It's hard to be ahead of the curve all the time; whenever the call goes out to quit some group, I'd have to start to quit.

I'm in my early sixties. I quit mass media before most did/will because of being a computer geek and a relatively early Internet adopter. When I started my website, I used it to advertise my mini-comics. (Wish you could've seen the cool VRML comics spinner I had.) Then I scanned, colored, and posted a "sample" comic. In color. Without xerography. Available to the "world" from one "copy." That's when it fully hit me. Print is dead. Records/CDs are dead. Film is dead. Broadcast is dead. This one framework will hold everything.

Nineteen years later, they're not dead yet, but it's accelerating as the net & access thereto grows.

The LaughingStockMedia are dead. Long live the independent press, the AoS's now & future.

Stopping before this is as long as Ace's article, which I now have to finish.