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Radical Incline

Guilty as Sin - Free as a Bird

No intention of evil-doing, but uncaring about it

Ace of Spades: FBI Director Jams Comey "claims that the work-related emails that were deleted weren't 'intentionally' deleted in order to conceal them. … Bizarrely, he claimed that in the future, they may prosecute people for exactly what Hillary did — but they're not prosecuting Hillary. It's just a special 'the law does not apply to this person' ruling."

A characteristic of the Narcissist is that he or she may not necessarily have any intent to do injury to others, but doesn't really care if it happens. The traitorous witch may not have overtly intended to do harm to American security, but such a consequence wasn't relevant to her.

In the infamous words of terrorist Bill Ayers:

Radical Incline

I'm With Stupid

Only the he-manliest of the he-manly need apply.

Probably, you have already seen this promo for Hillary,
using a stock photo of "bearded hipster"
who has also been found on anti-VD ads and tool catalogs:
Original bearded hipster
Bearded hipster dude didn't seem manly enough,
so to help the Hillary campaign,
here are these testosterone-dripping variations.

In the bathroom with your daughter man
Gross perv

Famous athlete edition
Eat your Wheaties guy

Joan Rivers's favorite transsexual version
Big biceps First Lady

Manliest of all men variation
He-manliest President

Radical Incline

Hillary's Most Memorable Moments

No matter how much you may want to forget them!

Radical Incline

Donald Trump is a Class Act

The question is, which class?

Warning: Language unsuitable for children, genteel people, and Presidents.

Radical Incline

Wild Bill Meets Old Biff

America, PRAISE God. And God, BLESS America. Please.

Studies show Wild Bill for America is right-on 97.976% of the time,
which is well above average.
However, there is one major cringe-inducing bit he has incorporated into his act
that he thinks is clever and cute and meaningful.
Old Biff begs to differ.
