Apostrophe Catastrophe

WNU Editor, I follow almost every post, when I can keep up, which I can't always. Try to credit you whenever I link to some article you led to. Kudos & much appreciation for your amazing and valuable work.

However, I'm sure I'm not the first to note that you seem to have no idea what apostrophes are for.

I can understand, English native language not yours being, contractions and possessives, especially with pronouns, can be easy to confuse, sometimes even for those of us who grew up back when 5th-grade American English teachers insisted students actually know English.

So one might almost forgive the fingernails on the blackboard of this common error:

"As Arab States Step Up To Assist Libya In It's War"

However, this:

"Iran Show's Off The Israeli Drone..."

is so egregiously awful my inner Grammar Nanny screams to the fore. Neither possessive nor contraction, nor pronounish. No excuse!

L'arn y'all some flukin' English, ya durn Rooskie.

Okay, I think my inner nag is satisfied. Carry on.
