Brought Out the Circular Firing Squad

Seamus Muldoon #114: ...These threads are full of lots of important Cruz and Trump bashing going on that should not be derailed with frivolities.

Today's the first day in a while that I've been up early enough to participate in the morning threads. I've been scanning them, though. For some reason (*cough Carly cough*) today seems to have brought out the circular firing squad more than I've seen lately.

I had some thoughtful thoughty thoughts about the primaries, the general, and stuff, but I am discouraged from sharing, just because of the level and volume of argument. Smells like somebody knocked over the barrel.

I'll just say, with bitterness:

I still like Ted, warts and all.
I'd settle for Trump over any Dem.
I fear fraud and ignorance will triumph in the general.
