Chest Pains I Used to Have

I'm reminded of chest pains I used to have. In the heart area, felt like a muscle cramp. Breath got short. I just stopped moving for a minute or two until it went away. Nothing in particular that I noticed that brought it on. Totally random. Think it first happened in, maybe 9th grade? I wasn't smart enough to be worried and didn't tell anybody about it, I just went on. Happened now and then for years. I did begin to wonder about it, as I got older. Should I worry?

Now, I haven't thought about those episodes in many years. Not sure what it was. Possibly related to the upper cervical maladjustment that was causing me several weird and seemingly un-co-related problems. At least, I haven't had the chest pains since I was adjusted.

Chasm, folks are going to love you and worry about you - yes, even you - and you can't help it since you mentioned a potentially serious problem. You know the horde is like that. Best buncha morons in the world.