Deputize a Few Thread-Watchers

This trolling. God bless the folks who run Ace, but it does seem like they need to deputize a few thread-watchers with the key to the hammer. That is, I presume that these disruptors are being allowed to disrupt because no one's on duty, rather than that they are permitted (when too many good contributors have been hammered or otherwise disinvited).

What's a horde to do in the anarchic meanwhile?

At the first appearance of the obvious troll is obvious, post a comment that the troll is hash whatever, then everyone stop commenting until that post is gone. Wouldn't work perfectly, of course. Have to keep passing the plan along to latecomers, newbies, and libertarians.

And it's harsh self-infliction. The major point is to have the place not trashed by troll spoor. The minor point is that the banhammer seems unattended for significant chunks of time. The idea that when a troll dropping appears the THREAD GOES DEAD until it's removed is intended to ... what? ... get the management's attention, I suppose.

Just a thought. Long one to invoke a new post.

It may not be a good strategy. But it's more than the SCOAMF has.
