Hillary the Rapist's Enabler

Bill in LV along with Porn convention reminds me of Bernie at the debates talking about how it's not about what Bill has done in the past.

1. Maybe, if it had just been in the distant past and Bill had expressed remorse and showed humility instead of lying and covering up and still being a horndog.

2. It's very much about Hillary's enabling of Bill's rapes and molestations and affairs and attempts to destroy all the women Bill has abused.

Heard a bit of Hannity the other day, with guests Juanita Broderick and the one we heard mostly, Kathleen Willey.

Willey read a letter from a woman who barely escaped Bill's raping her in '68 (or '69), and was harassed by him afterward. These women should be top of the political news (along with the Benghazi families to whom Hillary lied).

One weird thing about the letter Willey read? Bill told her he was "going to be President." Reminds me of Obama reportedly saying the same thing to, IIRC, a postman, long before he was even a community organizer. That's terribly weird.
