Persistence of the Troll

Morning, Glories.

Just plowed through the morning threads' chatter. No Vic. I don't feel informed or sufficiently outraged.

Sometimes the persistence of the troll impresses me. I'm the kind of not-in-your-face person that might leave a party at the slightest hint that I was unwelcome, so it's hard for me to imagine willingly going "where everybody hates your name." ♫

For a while, the variety of the troll was also something to admire. Putting on a different mask, playing a different angle every day, that takes some thought. Almost entertaining, like our fake trolls, e.g. Cloggenstein. Almost. At first.

But, eventually, they all start sounding the monotonous same, under the surface - or on the surface. Reading along through the comments, having already caught the troll's theme du jour, I can detect a troll comment within half a sentence; my eyes fall to the handle for confirmation, and then I skip it and move on. Mostly, the quantity of disruption quickly outweighs any entertainment value. Even Clog can be irritating on a bad day.

Occasionally, there's even a twinge of pity for the pathetic mentality behind trolling. But then I skip it and move on.
