Tedious tech #twoweeks

Process for launching a text link in a new tab from an Ace of Spades HQ comment on the iClone cell running Opera Mini:

1. Press & hollllllld until link highlights, maybe

2. Struggle to move little arrows to actually highlight link; revert to 1 frequently.

3. Tap "select" (if it still shows up, if not, back to step 1)

4. Should the selection menu actually appear, be careful to hit "copy," or it's back to step 1.

5. Hit the little button that brings up what passes for tabs.

6. Stab at a new tab.

7. Press and hollllllld in address bar until the menu pops up.

8. Sometimes accidentally hit "copy"; return to step 1 – otherwise, choose "paste"

9. Waiiiit for keyboard to pop up

10. Hit Enter. Eventually your page may load.


Same thing on, say, a Wordpress blog comment:

1. Press & hollllld on link for menu.

2. Choose "open in new tab."
