'The holiest of human social activity

'Breeder' - The holiest of human social activity - creating and shepherding to adulthood fellow members of God's earthly family - is reduced to its crudest animal component.

Despite that, the term could be employed in either friendly or hostile fashion, ugly though it is, no worse than calling our beloved offspring 'rugrats' when they're troublesome. Used light-heartedly by an aunt or uncle who is a dead-ender (what you are if you don't breed, regardless of your persuasions (yes, I just made that up - I think)). Childlessness is an unhappy consequence of some life choices, and unchosen forces, and breeding has its devastating consequences as well, for everyone including the little muggers we ruin, so, all differences being part of the human condition, we can make light of them.

However, having been employed so frequently with such derogatory venom, in the midst of outright cultural warfare upon het pair bonded family unity, the humor is pretty much drained away from this one, to which anyone thinking to use the term ought be sensitive. And you know such folks want to be sensitive.