You could see one red light on a tower on the hillside miles away

271 Hey, #135! I just saw this same guy throwing over a gaming table. Let's see... yeah, starting at about 2:00 in [Video removed!] The guy's a star!

StruckByHummingbird (heh): Arnica is good for bruising. If the ribs get cracked, though, you'll need Symphytum. The magic of homeopathy.(IANADAIDPOOTV)

Where we live, 34 years ago, you could see one red light on a tower on the hillside miles away. With suburban creep, now it's houselights and rural neighbors with big *@($& steet light poles on all night, and the glow from the town 7 miles north is worse than the glow from the big city 50 miles south used to be. The Spring night sky is still mighty beautiful for now, just less of them, and deep darkness less often. When the ice storm took out the power for fifty miles around a couple winters back, it was really amazing. And cold. But I like stars. Erf-whatever is absurd, but, but, I mean, I like stars. Siiigh.

Can't stay and play, because the Internets won't follow me home, so this is a drive-by commenting.


