Offsite Comments

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Tue 2012 Oct 16

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 5:55pm
On PoliNation

What a Hoot on PoliNation: "Some have been building a case… that to exempt the Amish from social security based on their faith… is the state approving they are a legitimate religion and giving preferential treatment"….

I opined on my vanity site about Independent Religionist's Liberty. The subject was more about religious exemptions for drugs, like the (legal) Peyote Indians, and a then-pending case for Rastafarians (they lost, I think), and regarded individual (non-sectarian) religionists' rights not being recognized at all, but the point's the same. The gov't defines what is a religion or not, what that religion's allowable precepts are, what its taboos and sacraments can be. Similarly, for many drug charges, courts are now structured that, despite the seriousness of the charges and consequences, there is often no recourse to trial by jury? Such is the unAmerican direction of the judiciary over many decades now. (First they came for the....)

"also usurps all individual rights because they are all intrinsically intertwined" — 'strue. I just call it the "human right."

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 3:21pm
On PoliNation

I'm impressed. But... but... "Charlie"? And what's "Qi" if it's not Chinese? We never allowed proper names or abbreviations or non-English words when we were young. Just another obvious instance of the degradation of our society's rules. (Of course, when we looked through the "official" Scrabble word books, there were all kinds of weirdness... especially with which to use high-point letters on triple-letter squares!)

I thought I had this written up already, but couldn't find it, so I wrote it anew.

My best Scrabble story. Me & my little sister.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 2:18pm
On PoliNation

Other signs in need of moving:
Railroad Crossing (why can't the trains cross somewhere there's no road?)
Falling rocks (the government should move avalanches somewhere people don't drive)
Bridge out ahead (those like the deer lady who ignored this sign never actually got a chance to complain)

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 12:00pm
On PajamasMedia on YouTube

I was reading about the intelligence community and State going under the Obama short bus at and I thought to come by to suggest it was time to do the "extended" version of this video. I see I'm hardly the first to be thinking along these lines!

Mon 2012 Oct 15

Mon 2012 Oct 15, 4:51pm
On PoliNation

Glad to find the grudge here, because I await this post every day with bated breath, marveling at Pete's sage wisdom, hanging on his every syllable, and I wish I were half as smart as Pete. But I haven't had time to read any of the Grudge yet ;) — I just rushed over to post this item, for those interested in US energy policies & the election:

T. Boone Pickens Weighs In On Energy Production At Conference In Bartlesville
"We cannot, I don't believe, be energy independent, totally, in the United States. But what I've proposed and I've worked on the Romney plan—they have a good energy plan. Obama has no plan, he has only conversation."

[I reverse Pete's post which began with the "await this post" bit.]

Mon 2012 Oct 15, 2:32pm
On Zilla of the Resistance

One useless, failed lefty organization awarding a prize to another failed lefty organization, as some wag on Ace (I think) commented.

To cop a phrase from Roger Simon (on a different subject), no one "with an IQ in triple digits" would consider the "peace" prize to be anything but a sick joke, if not before, at least after BO got it for not being George Bush.

[Then my keyboard ranneth over talking about Europe and civilization, so rather than impose all my armchair sophistry silliness here on zillaness, I posted it on my vanity site. With a link back to here, of course.]

Hi, y'all. Long time no comment here, but I have been (mostly) tracking your posts. Keep it up, and, hey, God! Bless Zilla, okay? Thanks. :D

Mon 2012 Oct 15, 12:19am
On Ace of Spades

if you had to name ONE movie that was an absolute treasure trove of dialogue, that was the most quotable, which would it be?

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921)

Ahahahahahahfasftoruggggg scoamf

Goodnight gracies goodnight racies goodnite acies
I'm bound to OW!


Mon 2012 Oct 15, 12:11am
On Ace of Spades

Dang! Mrs W had just asked if anyone had mentioned The Big Easy. I said I haven't seen it. She says she thought we watched it together. So many decades, so many movies. So many blurred nights when the kids were young.

Mon 2012 Oct 15, 12:05am
On Ace of Spades

Okay, just read some of the late comments.


I wanted to learn more about rail guns!

But if you want sex scenes in movies, my teenage self found Bonnie and Clyde dry-humping to be something I had not encountered before.

Sun 2012 Oct 14

Sun 2012 Oct 14, 11:58pm
On Ace of Spades

MIDDLEST! (Just watch! You'll see!)

Sun 2012 Oct 14, 5:47pm
On Ace of Spades




Did anyone mention that TFG is a stuttering clusterfluck of a miserable failure yet?

Sun 2012 Oct 14, 12:52am
On Ace of Spades

565....Asking again if anyone remembers who posted the link to the hyena pic the other night. I was inspired by it and used it in this vp debate photomanip. Always try to give cred where due. Will eyeball for answers mañana.


That's awesome, MindfulWebWrkr.
Very nice!
Love it that you used a baboon head for the Moderator.

Sun 2012 Oct 14, 12:47am
On Ace of Spades

Downloaded My Science Project from YouTube. Price was right. ($0.00). Holy mackeral, was that weak and cheesy and predictable. We stopped halfway through and the action (assuming there is some) hadn't really started. Dennis Hopper spouting hippie stereotype was terrible. Fisher Stevens sure looked young. It was a long time before I realized the guy in Short Circuit and the guy in Early Edition were both him. Anyway, that was my big Saturday night. Time to sleep.

Asking again if anyone remembers who posted the link to the hyena pic the other night. I was inspired by it and used it in this vp debate photomanip. Always try to give cred where due. Will eyeball for answers mañana.

Say good night, Gracies.

Sat 2012 Oct 13

Sat 2012 Oct 13, 10:57pm
On Ace of Spades

Wait! Wait! Backup....


Did that work?

Sat 2012 Oct 13, 8:02pm
On Bluebird of Bitterness

As I recall, about a million years ago when I was young, I first read this in a collection of Ripley's Believe it or Not, the original Palindrome:

He: Madam, I'm Adam.
She: Name no one man.

I spent years trying to figure out what her reply meant. About as much as "Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas." :D

Sat 2012 Oct 13, 7:49pm
On PoliNation

[Bob on PoliNation October 13, 2012 at 11:47am re VP Showdown 2012: That’s funny! I linked to it on my blog.]

Appreciate the linkage! Most of the pix were slapdash, but as much time as I wasted spent on the "magical thinking" graphic, I'd like least a few people to enjoy it! :D

Sat 2012 Oct 13, 7:21pm
On PoliNation

[Pistol Pete October 13, 2012 at 2:03 pm: PAUL RYAN’S TIME IN THE HYENA’S DEN]

Someone on Ace posted a link to a great picture of a hyena. I was inspired, and used that and a couple other critters in Animals debate. (How could I resist hanging this on the hook Pete dangled?

Bob, October 14, 2012 at 9:09 am
Good one!

A Mindful Webworker, October 16, 2012 at 3:14 pm
(Monday afternoon, just now catching up with the weekend.) The “Ryan lion” painting I used was a great find, I thought. At least it brought to my mind the Lion of Narnia. Plus, with just the slightest tweaking to the smile, it had Ryan’s expression while looking at babblin’ Joe!

A Mindful Webworker, October 16, 2012 at 3:24 pm
Monday TUESDAY afternoon. WHOOF! This is still September, right?

Sat 2012 Oct 13, 7:15pm
On PoliNation

[Chrissy: $300K for wearing a feather suit?! That’s criminal.]

Well, since it's taxpayer-funded, yes. Otherwise, if it were private, then, a star gets star wages, so what? You know how hard it is inside that suit, all sweaty and peeking out through a periscope while pulling all those levers and walking in those big clown feet, trying to sound squeaky, childish, high-pitched, and happy? Would you do it for less? :D

Hello.Yay, Saturday Grudges!

Sat 2012 Oct 13, 2:50pm
On Anna's Clue Tank

See what happens when you comment at Ace? Strangers follow you home.

Choice caption! On an already great speaks-volumes photo, that's an accomplishment!

A tiny critique, isn't the original lyric "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right"? (Addled old biomem, not Bing.) I was thinking, but Joe's the clown and he's on Ryan's right. Then his pearly whites come to mind and I think, nope; Joe's the Joker.

Worth repeating: Choice caption!

Linked to this from a debate photomanip of my own.

Sat 2012 Oct 13, 1:31pm
On Ace of Spades

It's noon in the middle of the country. Declare the morning thread over. What, we should go by Cali time? American Time = Central! With no Daylight Slavings BS! Oh, wait, then it's only 11am sun time. Never mind. Carry on another hour! Or half hour now.

Of course, I just got here, so I'm going to go back and read some stuff. "Goin' back in tiiime..."

HEY! Somebody posted a link to a hyena pic. Regret that I don't remember who linked it, because that was my inspiration for this graphic:

(Notice how I slipped self-plugola in there? Product placement, baby!)
