The Incredulous Debbie Schultz

Replying to a comment by Rae pointing to the video "Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is An Idiot," embedded below.

Sgt SchultzRae, thanks for the link. Schultz is the epitome of the "say anything" crowd. In the Duck, Dodge and Dismantle address to Congress to which West was responding, the kinky-haired parrot managed to get in End Tax Breaks for Millionaires, Blame Bush, Republicans Hate Seniors, Shared Sacrifice, and (cue laugh track) Winning the Future.

On the other hand, she does say of the Cut, Cap, and Balance bill would that "It is crucial that the American people understand that this plan would require even deeper cuts than under the Ryan plan we saw in April." As Mrs Webworker said when watching, "Oh? Good!"

In the video I've linked, at 2:25, it seems like she used "passed" when she means "pass." Well, who hasn't made a tiny mistake like that! You hear it all the time, in daily speech, and on radio and TV by both interviewees and professional announcers. In my college DJ days, I was taught, for tiny mis-speaks you just go on. Assume people are smart enough to know what you meant. However, at 0:42, she says "incredulously, [sic] the gentleman from Florida... is supportive of this plan." It might seem like she meant "incredibly," but she doesn't bat an eye or skip a beat. I suppose she might have meant that she was incredulous that West believed in the plan, as she does follow this up by saying it's "unbelievable," but if so, she really mangled the usage. Either she doesn't really know what the word "incredulous" means or she doesn't know how to use it in a sentence.

How much nothing does Debbie know and when did she not know it?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is An Idiot uploaded by xxxxxxxpimptaddyone (h/t to Rae at HillBuzz for the link)

Here is the referenced video It's Not Cut, Cap and Balance, it is Duck, Dodge and Dismantle, uploaded by RepWassermanSchultz"