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Strictly for the record, another amusing pink flip-flop reference (cartoon), h/t to
Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 May 21
Subjects: Barack Obama, flip-flops, homosexuality, hypocrisy
[Mindful's video "Obama's Gay Marriage Flip-Flops" based on a poster by chrissythehyphenated at PoliNation was blogged by chrissy on PoliNation.]
Hey, looka that! Thanks. Your poster was inspiring! Since the “script” was done, I just got to play with the video editor. Animating the flip-flops was technically educational. I could do it better now.
Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 May 21
Subjects: Barack Obama, marriage, homosexuality, flip-flops
Vid clip
Radical Incline
Obama was for the idea before he was against it before he was sort-of for it before he needed to be for it again.
Video added on 2012 May 18
Subjects: homosexuality, Barack Obama, flip-flops
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