sex roles
shredded chi: "once I learned that there was a fatality, I felt horrible..."
"After nearly a month of defending them, Lincoln Public Schools District in Nebraska has finally agreed to stop using the infamous “purple penguin” transgender training handouts."
rickl > I just discovered that recently myself.
Oh, good. If I was stupid, I wasn't alone.
Since the days of BBSs and CompuServe, I have tried to maintain a liberal idea of the gender of text people if it's not evident.
Time Magazine cover: The transgender tipping point…
The cover picture suggests this has to do with the difficulty of guys trying to clomp along in spiked heels.
" environments designed to be completely gender neutral..." -Mætenloch
"Not always." -Pajama boy sipping cocoa
I think I can now summarize this thread:
Decades back, I read a great retort about alleged linguistic sexism, a woman who said she had no problem at all being called the chairman of the board! Heh.
Subjects: sex roles, midwifery, pregnancy, nature v nurture
That's no bunny toe! Sheesh! Hef himself ordered those stiff plastic shields that they had to wear down there. That's a well-known fact that I just entered in Wikipedia.